In recent months, the controversy
surrounding Christianity has seemed to rage wildly. Sadly, many Christians have
only fueled the fires of indignation and rage the world has within their
hearts. I have read posts and comments from both sides of the issues, and the amount
of venom and vehemence truly saddens me. However, more than just being
saddened, I am downright disturbed by the actions of some who claim to be
Who am I speaking of? I am speaking of
those who have taken it upon themselves to wage war with our world and the
people in it. I am neither speaking of, nor thinking of anyone in particular.
Rather, I write only of the kind of Christian who feels the need to strike out
(or strike back) with anger, poisonous speech, and words that Yosemite Sam could
only describe as, “Them’s fightin’ words!”
Before I explain why I am saddened and
disturbed by the actions and words of these Christians, let me say plainly that
I have wanted to write this for the past several weeks but have spent that time
in prayer, so that I am not reacting or spewing the same kind of vitriol.
My issue stems from the fact that some
of these Christians have seemed to have lost sight of the fact that they are
speaking to and about actual people. Not nameless, faceless, mindless,
monsters. Let me say it as plainly as I can:
We are NOT at war with people of any
race, creed, orientation, colour, or anything else. As Christians, we are NOT
at war with people. Let me remind us all of Ephesians 6:12.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,
against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
The Contemporary English Version says
it this way:
“We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces
and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual
That should be pretty plain for us to
understand. We are not in battle with humans, regardless of who they are or
what they believe. We are in a battle with the “forces and authorities and rulers of darkness
and powers in the spiritual world.”
Now, I’m certain that there’s someone
out there who’d say, “But sin is part of the 'darkness of this age.'" You’re absolutely right; sin is wrong! Even though
sin is wrong, let me remind us all that the example CHRISTians are to follow is
that of Christ. What did Jesus do? He loved and accepted sinners. He did NOT
accept the sin, but He accepted and loved the people.
I’m reminded of the adulteress in John 8.
Everyone seems to remember when Jesus speaks to the woman’s accusers. After
all, it’s an impressive, memorable moment and should be remembered!
“7 So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and
said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her
first.” And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who
heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning
with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman
standing in the midst.” (John 8:7-9)
Impressive right? But that is not where
the account ends, though it seems as though everyone remembers only those
words. No, the account continues in verses 10-12:
10 When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He
said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned
you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn
you; go and sin no more.” Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the
light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the
light of life.”
Jesus did not condemn her, but He DID
instruct her to go and cease her sinful ways. Then, speaking to His Disciples,
He explains that those who follow Him will walk in light, not darkness.
We see Jesus loving and accepting a
woman who was a sinner, but not accepting the sin. He tells her to leave the
sin behind, and then teaches that His followers are to walk in the light.
Okay, maybe that was a little bit of a
rabbit trail, but it’s vital to my point. When we Christians lose sight of the
fact that we are to LOVE sinners and hate the SIN, when we blur the lines and
see sinners as the sin they commit, we walk away from the example Jesus set.
How many of you as Christians would
like to be labeled with the sin that you commit? How many of you would like the
world to see you only as your sin and not as a person? And lest anyone get
self-righteous and prepare to claim that they don’t sin, let me remind you of 1 John 1:8:
“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth
is not in us.”
Would those who deal with lust like
everyone around them to see them only as lecherous, lusting people? Would those
who deal with lying like to have the world see them solely as liars? Would
those who deal with anger enjoy everyone seeing them as mindless rage machines?
If we cease to see people as people,
and see them only as the sin in their lives, we are NOT following the example
of Jesus, and we are being poor stewards of the love and forgiveness that the
Lord has shown us!
Please understand me when I say that,
I am not excusing sin. Sin is wrong in God’s sight. That said, God’s Word
teaches that sin is sin. There are no degrees of sin, and someone else’s sin
isn’t worse than your sin.
James 2:10 says, “For whoever shall
keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.”
Sin is sin is sin is sin is sin is sin
is sin. Someone else is NOT worse than you. The sinner is NOT their sin. Again,
look at how Jesus speaks of those in sin. He speaks repeatedly of them being in
spiritual darkness, and being “blind.”
Matthew 15 contains one
such example. The Disciples come to Jesus saying that the Pharisees were
offended by His teachings. He replies in verse 14:
“Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the
blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.”
So tell me, oh Christians of the
internet, what do we do with the blind? Do we attack and rage against them for
being blind, or do we reach out to them in the love of Christ? Do we get upset
and offended at them, or do we “turn the other cheek,” and continue to try to
share the love of Jesus with them?
Admittedly, a large part of the recent
controversy and my reason for writing this comes from the issues with Phil
Robertson. Let me explain that I have not ever watched his show, and from what
I understand, he has since been reinstated. Still, it was in discussions of
Duck Dynasty and A&E that so much vitriolic speech was found. Putting aside
whether or not the entire fiasco was justified, let me ask my fellow Christians
a simple question:
Is a reality show worth having
alienated people who need the love of Jesus? Is it? I’m not speaking of Phil
Robertson’s comments, but those of Christians who tried to defend him with hate
that cuts just as deeply as knives. Were the arguments and angry words worth
making sure that people will never listen to what you have to say?
Oh, I am certain that many thought
they were justified in their comments and in defending God and Phil Robertson,
and I’m sure that some thought they were “fighting back against injustice.” Still, vengeance does NOT belong to the Child of God!
Referring to Deuteronomy 32, Paul wrote in Romans 12:19,
“Beloved, do not
avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance
is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.”
As a side note, let me draw your
attention to verses 20 and 21 as well.
20 Therefore “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty,
give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.” 21
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
If you truly want to fight the “good
fight”, then fight against darkness by shining the light of God; not by
attacking those who are in the darkness. If you want to “overcome evil,” you do it with good!
The next time you are tempted to turn
both barrels on someone for disagreeing with you, remember the words of Paul in
Colossians 4:6 - “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt,
that you may know how you ought to answer each one.”
As I’ve said before, that’s SEASONED
with salt, not an overloading avalanche of salt that will ensure that nothing
ever grows.
May I remind us all again that we are
ambassadors of Christ? As His ambassadors, we are accountable to Him for how we
represent Him. Have you properly represented our Lord?
Now that I have touched on
(hopefully) every base and issue that might rise in your minds, let me speak to
the fact that God is a Righteous God as well as a God of Love.
Yes, God is a God of Love and we are
called upon to show His love to all people. Yes, God will one day stand in
judgement of the entire world because Holy God cannot abide to have sin in His
presence. We see that fact throughout Scripture.
Still, it is GOD that stands in judgement,
not us. If you ask me that’s a wonderful thing. I don’t want to be responsible
for judging the earth any more than I want the earth judging me.
Permit me to summarize briefly as this
has already become much longer than I had intended it to be.
As Christians, we are called upon to
show the love of God, and to declare His Word. We are to “preach the Gospel”
(Good News). We are to fight against the spiritual darkness of this age.
We are NOT called upon to wage any
kind of personal war. We are NOT intended to dole out God’s righteous
judgement; that right is His alone. We are NOT some Holy Avenger; vengeance
belongs to God.
We ARE called on to love sinners,
though we hate the sin. Sin is equal in God’s sight. That means that the
gossipy grandmother is sinning just as much as anyone else. No one’s sin is
better or worse than yours; it is sin and sin is sin.
Please allow me to end this with a personal
note. This blog post is not intended to attack anyone, or any group. This is
merely a reminder to fellow Christians around the internet that we are
representatives of our Great God, and we need to represent Him properly.
This is a call to return to a war
against spiritual wickedness rather than against people. This is a reminder to
stop doing the Devil’s work, and to do the Lord’s work.
And finally, I leave you with the
words of Petra, a group I still listen to at times.
“Do you remember what He's called you out of?
Do you remember where you were?
Let us not take advantage of His love,
That we forget that we have been forgiven.
Without Him we can do nothing.”
Remember, we are only able to claim
kinship with Jesus because of what HE has done. Without Him, we are just as
lost and stumbling in the darkness.
Walk in the light as He is in the
God bless,
About time someone got the right idea. Nicely written, Ben.
ReplyDeleteI think I need to read you more often. You are replenishing something that is deeply missing in my area.